Société Générale Cameroun is a partner of the Youth Entrepreneurship Promotion Programme (Pea-Jeune), financed to the tune of CFAF 3.75 billion by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).
We act as of the refinancing fund manager for the microfinance establishments ( MFEs) involved in the project.
The refinancing fund was set up with the following objectives:
‒ increase the interest of MFEs and the attractiveness of the Programme;
‒ relieve the cash-flow pressures on MFEs;
‒ ensure sustainability the Programme.
The objectives of the PEA-Jeunes Programme are divided into four main areas:
‒ promotion of agro-pastoral activities;
‒ sustainable reduction of youth unemployment through job creation;
‒ fight against famine;
‒ promotion of financial inclusion in rural areas and among youth.
We can also take credit for the good results of this Programme, reported by the National Coordinator in a difficult context. They mainly include:
‒ creation by youth aged between 18 and 35 of 2 000 active agro-pastoral businesses;
‒ creation of 8 000 direct jobs.
At the level of SG Cameroun, 6 microfinance establishments have already benefited from refinancing credits of about CFAF 700 million. SG Cameroun's ambition for 2021 is to refinance these MFEs to the tune of at least CFAF one billion.
This involvement of Société Générale Cameroun reflects our Citizenship Commitment and is intended to support the State of Cameroon in its emergence ambition by 2035.