
Amane saving account

Secure your saving while respecting Islam rules


You are a Muslim and you want to build your savings while respecting the rules of the Muslim religion? We have designed for you, Amane, a saving account which does not produce any interests.

A simple formula:

  • Interests: no interests
  • Deposit: no deposit limits

An account without deposit limit:

  • There is no limit on the deposit amount; the minimum initial deposit amount is 50 000 Fcfa.

Flexible Savings:

  • The amounts placed/deposited are guaranteed and available anytime without any fee or penalty.
  • The Amane account can be owned as a joint account.
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Flexible and totally available savings!

Precautionary savings with no risk: 100% secured and available anytime.

More freedom!

  • Open deposits and withdrawals with your Preference card in all Société Générale Cameroun’s cashpoints! ;

A great plan:

Ideal formula to implement some projects or invest;

You can subscribe to the Tranquillity offer Account to insure the security of your relatives in case of accidental death.



Any individual, resident or no, who is of age or underage



Deposit and Withdrawals:

  • Deposit: at any time, money can be paid into the account from any network branches and in cash, with no deposit limit;
  • Withdrawal: At any time, in the branch which holds the account and in all Société Générale Cameroun’s cashpoints thanks to the Preference card.

Necessary documents for subscription:

  • Valid proof of identity:
    > National Identity card, for residents;
    > Valid passport for non-residents;
  • Localization plan of your home address;
  • 2 recent ID photographs.