Our engagements
Quality and relationship are the keys of our activity.
From our membership to the Société Générale Group, we nurture the expertise of an international group but also share a common vision centred around 4 values which are:
- Team Spirit;
- Innovation;
- Commitment;
- Responsibility.
Thanks to the commitment, loyalty and expertise of our 650 colleagues, this promise is alive since more than 50 years in Cameroon, and this is in favour of customer satisfaction.
Our Bank has definitively abandoned its signature "Building Team Spirit Together", to project itself into the future with its new signature: "The Future is You". This is not just a creative expression and a new signature, but a choice of brand positioning, which is fundamental to the company for its strategy and its development.
That said, we are referring to “You”, who are above all our customers: individuals, young or old, active or retired, entrepreneurs, traders, craftsmen ... You have ideas, projects, very close to home or across the world, to enrich your personal or professional life.
It is therefore a commitment intended for entrepreneurs. While it is a great opportunity to reaffirm the essential role that the Bank plays in the lives of its customers, it is also an opportunity to assert its vision of the future! A vision full of conviction and optimism.
In Cameroon, we are investing on 3 pillars:
- Encourage the development of an ethical and responsible economy with a sustained investment in the economy, encourage the business ethic and encourage individuals generally excluded from the classic financial system in opening a bank account:
- Establish a socially engaged politic by defending responsible recruitment and trainings policy which value gender promotion, diversity, personal development and internal promotion;
- Contribute to protection our environment with eco-friendly actions implemented internally.
Irrespective of their career path, their origin, each our employees finds his place in Société Générale Cameroun because diversity and integration are the pillars of our HR Policy.
Our engagement to develop diversity and integration, important aspect of our need of « Building Team Spirit Together”, takes different forms. One of the forms is attracting graduates of the best schools, along with giving opportunities to people without diplomas. We also tend to develop professional equality between men and women, between all age groups, between people with disabilities and able-bodied persons.
Our diversity is first and foremost expressed through a strict respect of the following ambitious objectives:
- Acknowledge equal opportunities for all our staff, irrespective of their country of origin, their gender, their age, their culture or their profile;
- Implement and coordinate diversity initiatives adapted to specific contexts, and put in place measure and analysis tools, which are also adapted to the local priorities and resources;
- Develop diversity within the management, namely by increasing the women’s number and the international profiles among top management;
- Sensitize managers and staff on the importance of diversity and integration;
- Continue active recruitment and career development of disabled. Persons.
At the centre of economy, Société Générale Cameroun, engages in financing economy in an ethical manner. This economic responsibility considers three main axes:
- UA lasting financing of the economy: Financing the economy is the first responsibility of a bank. To support projects from private individuals and companies, we must guarantee the economic stability of our bank, irrespective of the financial context. Société Générale Cameroun’s ability to maintain its activity and give out loans since more than 50 years now in Cameroon, is the guarantee of a great management of its shareholders’ equity.
- Financing of private and state projects: In encouraging the development of a real commercial policy in favour of SME’s and VSME’s, Société Générale encourages a sustained financing of the economy. On a day-to-day basis, the definition of social and governance criterion in the management of financing to companies and private individuals, is a demonstration of our business ethic. Our Bank chooses not to support polluting projects, contrary to Equador principles, or companies which do not respect basic ethic principles. Thanks to a strict policy of analysis of the acceptance criterion as far as loans are concerned, Société Générale Cameroun engages in providing durable financing of the Cameroonian Economy.
This economic responsibility has led our bank to open a space exclusively dedicated to SMEs: LA MAISON DE LA PME. The ambition of LA MAISON DE LA PME is to provide continuous support to local businesses in order to better structure them, make them more mature so that they ultimately become bankable. Furthermore, through LA MAISON DE LA PME, we want in the long term to be able to allow SMEs to identify business opportunities with other large SMEs or EGs.
It is in line with this commitment to the national economy that together with Proparco, Société Générale Cameroun has supported in the development of a unique infrastructure in Central Africa with 30 million Euros: DOUALA GRAND MALL (DGM) . This gigantic space houses a supermarket, 160 stores and shops, 22 restaurants as well as a cinema hall on 18 500 m² of rental space. The DGM is the first shopping centre of this magnitude in Central Africa, which has been designed as a mall destination, a consumption spot as well as an attraction centre. It is located near the Douala Airport, in an urban area of 4 million inhabitants. The development of this activity centre will improve the attractiveness of the city, make the surrounding areas viable and strengthen economic growth, notably through the creation of more than 3 500 direct and indirect jobs. - An offer of responsible products and services: Thanks to our partnership with the microfinance company Advans Cameroon, in which Société Générale Cameroun owns 10% of shares, the Bank is engaged in supporting microfinance. With Advans Cameroun, Société Générale Cameroun engages in offering financial products to people generally excluded of the classic or formal financial system. With the availability of a debit card and very soon cashpoints in Advans Cameroon branches, Société Générale Cameroun is committing to a socially responsible economy which is favourable to local development.
To give the best answer to your needs, Société Générale Cameroun has put in place a Quality Department. The existence of this department is a testimony to our commitment in offering a quality service to all our customers. We therefore commit to study each request and answer it with the intention to permanently provide the best service quality.
Société Générale Cameroon’s will is to provide you the best listening, advice and quality of service. If despite our vigilance, you were unsatisfied or had to stand some difficulties, you may express your complaint as follows:
- Your first contact, your Société Générale Cameroun Branch:
In case of challenge, dissatisfaction or disagreement, get close to your customer adviser or your branch manager, to share your challenges at your convenience: in the branch, on the phone, through e-mail, through fax or suggestions box.
In an approach of permanent optimization of our services, each branch of the Société Générale Cameroon network has a suggestions box to collect all proposals and claims. On top of this, our consumer advisers, are available to answer all your questions. Find the contact of your branch by clicking here. -
Quality Department listens to you:
Société Générale Cameroun Headquarter
If your agency does not answer quickly to you, or if you are not satisfied by the answer or the proposal given to you, you are free to contact the Quality Department to review your ask. You can address your suggestions or claims to the e-mail address and mailbox below:
Quality Department
78, Joss Street
P.O.BOX 4042 Douala